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How did House of Hope get started? 

During the late 1990s, the Adolescent Parenting Coalition, comprised of community agencies, health care systems, and concerned community members identified a need for an emergency shelter to serve pregnant and parenting teens due to an increased rate of teen mothers and babies who had no place to live. They were often in dangerous situations, living in cars and/or couch surfing. When pregnant teens are homeless they are at serious risk of having a baby with "failure to thrive" and other preventable birth defects. Homelessness limits young mothers' ability to access prenatal and postnatal care. These tragic circumstances were the impetus to take action to find a way to provide safe shelter and supportive services for parenting youth who were experiencing homelessness and lacked prenatal and perinatal care. Professionals providing care to pregnant and parenting minors could not find safe living arrangements for patients. In 1997, a Second Chance Homes Needs Survey was conducted. From 1997-1999, a founding committee was developed with Board Members from the Salvation Army of Greater Green Bay (led by Judy and Tim Howald), the Adolescent Parenting Coalition (led by Paula Manley), and St. Vincent de Paul Green Bay (led by John Finco). In the year 2000, House of Hope opened it's doors for the first time.


How do people in need find out about House of Hope? 

People who need assistance often find House of Hope through referrals from other agencies or word of mouth. House of Hope also maintains social media outlets and a website. 


How does House of Hope help people to be self sustainable? 

Through programs and case management, the people we serve gain life skills and set goals for success. Our caring staff and volunteers help coach people served toward a manageable budget, increased income, career readiness, and guide them to build healthy relationships. 


Where do clients go when they leave the shelter?

You can read about House of Hope's shelter exits by clicking here:


How many people are served each year?

Each year, House of Hope serves hundreds of community members in need. Please click here to see the numbers we served last year: Outcomes


What programs does House of Hope offer? 

You can read about House of Hope's programs by clicking here:


How is House of Hope different than other shelters?

  • House of Hope Green Bay: Emergency shelter serving youth and families with children with a focus on 17-24-year-old parenting youth.

  • Golden House: Domestic abuse shelter for people who have an immediate threat of danger.

  • New Community Shelter: Emergency shelter for homeless single adults who are not using drugs or alcohol.

  • Freedom House: Emergency shelter for homeless families.

  • St. John the Evangelist Homeless Shelter: Last resort shelter for homeless single adults.


How is the impact and effectiveness of House of Hope evaluated? 

You can view program outcomes by clicking here:


Where does my donation go?  

House of Hope Green Bay is a local organization that serves the Greater Green Bay area and surrounding communities. Unrestricted donations provide shelter and basic necessities to those in need, educational classes, professional case management, and operational costs of running the shelter and providing programs. 


Who governs House of Hope? 

House of Hope Green Bay is a 501c(3) organization that is governed by a Board of Directors who are unpaid volunteers. A list of our amazing Board Members can be found by clicking here: House of Hope Board of Directors

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